We are Supported Giving

Supported Giving was founded in 2019 to help charities and not for profit organisations maximise their digital fundraising in what is becoming an increasingly cashless society.

Drawing upon 20 years of profitable trading in the payment processing world, the Supported Giving team have been able to utilise their experience and payments technology know-how to successfully partner with charities who are actively seeking to develop and refine their digital donation strategy.

The team at Supported Giving are committed to continually developing our product and platform to ensure our customers have the leading cashless donations technology available.

Supported Giving have allowed us to reach new audiences and bring in more income through unique fundraising methods. Their reporting helps us analyse what is working for us and what we need to change. Read more...

Giving Made Simple
With Cashless Donations

As cashless payments become more of a reality for us all, we help charities to embrace the increase in cashless payment solutions available. By removing the complexity of the various cashless donation options, our charity partners harness the power of new payment technology to drive donations forward, reaching a wider donor demographic.

We then help to engage and inform donors, encouraging regular giving with a digital fundraising solution.

Maximise your donations
With Gift Aid Recovery

With £600m of Gift Aid going unclaimed by UK charities*, we’re eager to ensure Charities aren’t missing out on funds already attributed to them.

Citing technological and regulatory issues as a barrier, UK Charities shy away from re-engaging with donors to retrospectively ask for their Gift Aid declaration. At Supported Giving, we help to solve this problem…

*Source: Charitable Giving report 2018, HMRC

What our clients say

CMIC found the on boarding process with Supported Giving very easy. The staff were very helpful. We now have a method of donating that we previously did not offer to out donors and many donors taking advantage of this easy method of giving. Read more...